Turkey, U.S. to finalize Syrian terrorists training this month, Turkish official

Ankara, SANA_ In a new step that shows congruity of colonial and subversive interests between Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s regime and the United States, which created the so called ‘moderate opposition’, Turkey and the United States aim to finalize an agreement on training and equipping terrorists this month, a senior Turkish  foreign ministry official said Monday.

” The training is expected to start in March, simultaneously with similar programs in Jordan and Saudi Arabia, the Turkish official told Reuters, adding that “the aim is to train 15,000 Syrians over three years”.

“Around 1,500 to 2,000 people are expected to be trained in Turkey (in the first year),” the official said, adding that a “limited number” of U.S. soldiers would come to Turkey to help carry out the training jointly with Turkish colleagues.

The training is planned to take place at a base in the central Turkish city of Kirsehir.

In a new evidence on joint aims, which combines state sponsors of terrorism in Syria, led by the United States, Turkey and the Gulf sheikhdoms, Turkish  ‘Hurriyet’ newspaper  unveiled last month that US and Turkish military officials agreed to train two thousand terrorists of the so-called ‘moderate opposition’ at a Turkish military training center  starting from December.

The ruling Justice and Development Party Government in Turkey has, for nearly four years, been supporting  and funding  various terrorist organizations in Syria and facilitating the flow of tens of thousands of terrorists into the Syrian and Iraqi territories after that the Turkish cities and towns, particularly those near the borders,  have turned into a safe haven for multi-national terrorists coming to enter into Syria.

Ghossoun / Barry




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