Palestinian Minister’s assassination condemned

Occupied Jerusalem, SANA, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas condemned killing of the Palestinian Minister Ziad Abu Ein, considering the death as a “barbaric assassination'” that would not be tolerated.

Israeli occupation authorities on Wednesday killed the Palestinian Minister Abu Ein during an event for planting olive trees in Turmusiy, the West Bank, on the occasion of Human Rights Day.

Israeli forces beat Abu Ein, a member of the Revolutionary Council of Fateh movement and Chair of the Committee Against the Wall and Settlements, with the butts of their rifles and their helmets, according to a medical source.

In a statement issued by the Palestinian WAFA news agency, Abbas declared three days of mourning in the wake of the minister’s death.

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine / General Command (PFLP) expressed deep condolences for the assassination of Abu Ein, saying that “the struggler defended the rights of our people and confronted the Zionist occupation.”

“The response to the death of Ziad Abu Ein must upgrade resistance in all of its forms” it added.

“The strength of the masses of our people must be unleashed to carry out revolutionary action in all areas of Palestinian struggle.”

In the same context, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon called on Israel “to conduct a swift and transparent investigation of the Palestinian minister’s death.” Ban called on “both sides to avoid escalation.”

The U.S. called on Israel to conduct a “swift and transparent investigation” into the death of Abu Ein earlier in the day at a West Bank protest.

EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini said in a statement that “reports of excessive use of force by Israeli Security Forces are extremely worrying,” and urged Israel to carry out “an immediate, independent investigation.”

R. Milhem/ Barry




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