Al-Jaafari: Turkish regime uses drinking water as a weapon of war against Hasaka citizens

New York, SANA-Syria’s permanent representative to the UN, Dr. Bashar al-Jaafari, said that the Turkish regime uses drinking water as a weapon of war against civilians in Hasaka because they reject the occupation of their lands, adding that cutting off water is a war crime and a crime against humanity.

“The suffering of al-Jazeera families was not limited to what has been done by Daesh criminal practices, nor by the crimes of the illegitimate international coalition who looted Syria’s resources, but their suffering has escalated by the crimes of the US and Turkish occupation and their tools of separatist militias and terrorist organizations,” al-Jaafari said during a UN session via video conference on the situation in Syria.

Al-Jaafari pointed out that more than one million Syrian civilian in Hasaka city and its surroundings are thirsty and they have suffered from the lack of water for more than twenty days.

He added that Turkish occupation forces and their tools of the terrorist organizations have cut off water from Alouk station and the feeding wells more than 16 times.

Al-Jaafari indicated that the so-called international coalition acknowledged two days ago its responsibility for killing 1,377 civilians, of course, the numbers exceed by doubles but the matter will pass unnoticed as long as Germany and Belgium are “entrusted” to hold the so-called “humanitarian pen” at the UN Security Council.

He  stressed that the Syrian state and the Syrian humanitarian organizations assumed their responsibilities in facing the Turkish regime ‘s crime of cutting off water to Hasaka people, as drinking water has been secured for the Syrian citizens there as much as possible, but the needs exceed all expectations and possibilities due to the Turkish and the US occupation of the northern and eastern parts of Syria.

He reiterated once again that Syria warned against continuing or repeating that disaster.

Al-Jaafari said that in completion to the policies of governments hostile to Syria, the terrorist organizations blew up the gas pipeline that feeds Electric power stations in Syria, which led to a general blackout in various parts of Syria, indicating that this terrorist attack which was carried out by US occupation-backed terrorist groups in occupied al-Tanf region, is only a chain in a series of economic terrorism that has become the dominant title for this stage.

“That  economic terrorism is being practiced by some governments of member states at the UN towards Syria, through  imposing unilateral coercive measures, including the so-called “Caesar Act” in addition to crimes committed by those governments directly or through their tools from separatist militias and terrorist organizations to plunder oil, gas, antiquities and wheat, agricultural crops as well as to destroy civilian facilities and infrastructure… all of these are crimes which aim to suffocate the Syrian citizen and deprive him from his basic needs of food and medicine , gas and electricity and hinder the reconstruction process and prevent displaced citizens from returning to their home,” al-Jaafari added.

In response to comments by the United States’ representative, al-about the situation in Al-Haul camp, al-Jaafari held the American administration and its terrorist militias and governments and some European Union countries responsible for the status quo in the camp in light of the US occupation of that region.

Manar/MHD Ibrahim/ Mazen Eyon

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