The Army establishes control over Jabal Zamlet al-Muhr, Jhar village, point 802 near Jabal al-Shaer in Homs countryside

Provinces, SANA –A Military source told SANA that the army, in cooperation with popular defense groups, established control over Zamlet al- Muhr Mountain, Syriatel hill, al-Muher Oilfield, Jhar village, point 802, al-Rajmeh hill and in the surrounding of al-Shaer mountain in Palmyra in Homs countryside, killing and injuring scores of terrorists.

Earlier, the army units advanced in Jabal al-Shaer area in Homs and pressed ahead with operations in many areas across the country, targeting terrorists’ hideouts and positions and leaving many of them killed.

Army units advanced in Jabal al-Shaer area in the countryside of the central province of Homs, moving from the direction of Hayan gas field towards the north and west and on both sides of the road of Hajjar village.

A number of terrorists’ hideouts and their vehicles were destroyed in al-Rastan, Oqeirbat, Jazel and its surroundings, and al-Mleh hill, Qarat al-Taheen, Un al-Tababir and in al-Ghanto in Homs countryside.

SANA reporter quoted a military source as saying that more than 20 terrorists were killed in the operations and 3 cars equipped with heavy machine guns were destroyed.

Army units, the source added, foiled terrorists’ attempt to attack the guard units of al-Rastan Dam and killed terrorists to the west of al-Azm building in the countryside, inflicting heavy losses upon the terrorists.

A number of cars equipped with heavy machine guns which terrorists were driving towards al-Ameriyeh from Deir Foul were also destroyed.

Army operations in al-Waer neighborhood and its surrounding farms in the city of Homs and in the areas of Kafer Laha in al-Houla, al-Rastan, in the villages of Khirbet al-Duweibi, al-Msheirfeh and al-Masoudiyeh resulted in the killing of many terrorists.

Terrorists’ attempt to infiltrate from al-Duweibi towards Abu al-Alaya was foiled in the course of the operations.

Army units killed a number of Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists and destroyed their vehicles in the town of Ibtaa in the countryside of the southern province of Daraa, according to a military source.

Hideouts of leaders of Jabhat al-Nusra-linked terrorist groups were also destroyed in al-Sheikh Miskin, the source told SANA reporter .

Army units also targeted terrorists’ hideouts in Tal Misbeh, Rasm al-Samman and Tal Mer’i and destroyed a number of vehicles which terrorists were using in al-Harrah and Um al-Mayazen towns.

A number of terrorists who tried to plant mines and explosive devices to the north of al-Ghezlan farm in the surrounding of Atman town.

A military source said the army killed and injured a number of terrorists and destroyed their vehicles in al-Sheikh Miskeen, Ibtaa, Atman and Dael in Daraa countryside.

The source added that Army units destroyed several vehicles with all terrorists inside them on al-Samakiat-Nada road in Daraa countryside.

Meanwhile, in the countryside of the southern province of Quneitra, the army units destroyed terrorists’ hideouts and vehicles in Nabe’ al- Sakhr, Majdoulia and Nabe’ al-Buhouth in Tal Mas’hara as well as in Batina and al-Hamidiyeh.

A number of terrorists were eliminated in the operation.

Army destroyed dens and weapons and ammunition caches for Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists in various areas in the countryside of the northern province of Idleb, a military source said on Wednesday.

A military source told SANA that the targeted caches and dens were in al-Bara and Balyoun in Jabal al-Zawieh, stressing that 17 terrorists were killed in the operations.

In another operation, the army eliminated 24 terrorists, some of them of non-Syrian nationalities, and destroyed four vehicles equipped with heavy machine guns in the area of Kinsafra in the countryside.

According to a military source, units of the Army and Armed Forces targeted terrorists’ dens in Altaman’a, Khan Shaykhun, Tbaish, Saraqeb, Wadi al-Daif, Ma’ret al-Nu’man and in Deir Sunbul in Idleb countryside.

A military source stressed that army units killed and injured a number of terrorists after destroying their hideouts in al-Sayyad, al-Latamneh, Kafar Zita, Rasm al-Awayed, al-Harish, al-Qastal al-Janoubi, Wadi al-Izam, al-Naimeh, surrounding of al-Khdaira, in Hama countryside.

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