Tireless Governmental efforts to facilitate return of all displaced, Washington exploits their suffering

Damascus, SANA- Washington and its allies of Arab and regional regimes don’t only support terrorist organizations and cover their crimes and continued attacks against civilians and infrastructure, but also the US forces deployed in al-Tanf area prevent tens of thousands of civilians in al-Rukban Camp from returning to their hometowns which have been liberated from terrorism by the Syrian Arab Army.

In light of that obnoxious exploitation of the refugees’ suffering by Syria’s enemies, Syria has exerted tireless efforts to perform its duty in meeting the humanitarian needs of citizens who have been affected by the unprecedented terrorist war waged against the country.

The Syrian Government has always worked on providing all possible facilitations and it has taken all the required measures to guarantee the return of the displaced who live in camps in the neighboring states through humanitarian corridors provided with all the logistic requirements.

To achieve that humanitarian purpose and based on its duty in protecting its citizens, the Syrian state cooperates with the Russian side and the UN with the aim of evacuating all the displaced held at al-Rukban Camp as two humanitarian corridors were opened in the towns of Jalib and Jabal al-Ghourab on Feb 19th.

On March 1st, convoys were sent to evacuate the civilians besieged in the camp voluntarily to their hometowns, yet the US forces and their mercenaries of terrorists blocked their return and their suffering continued in light of catastrophic living conditions at the camp.

Preventing humanitarian convoys from accomplishing their task in transporting the besieged civilians to their liberated areas through humanitarian corridors opened for that purpose proves that Washington continues to exploit terrorism and to exert pressure on the Syrian Government which exerts relentless efforts to stop the humanitarian suffering of about 50 thousand displaced Syrians who are living at the camp in appalling conditions which remind us of the Nazi camps during the World War II.

Washington and the terrorism-sponsoring states which exploit the suffering of the displaced due to terrorism, have worked on promoting misleading and fabricated news and lies through their media outlets on the fate of the displaced if they return to their homeland in a way which negatively affected them and delayed their decision to leave the camp and return to their liberated areas.

That situation won’t last for a long time as the misleading media agendas will be  exposed and they will not be able to prevent the displaced at the camp from knowing the real news and facts on the governmental measures on the ground with regard to the humanitarian corridors opened by the government for facilitating their return.

The humanitarian crisis at the refugee camps in the neighboring states, particularly Turkey will be solved soon thanks to the victories achieved by the Syrian Arab Army against terrorism which will culminate with ending the illegitimate presence of the US, British, French and Turkish forces which support terrorism and block the humanitarian work.

Warplanes of the alleged US-led “International Coalition” has committed crimes and massacres  claiming the lives of thousands of Syrians, mostly women and children, in addition to destroying the infrastructure.

Ruaa al-Jazaeri

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