Terrorists killed, their weaponry destroyed in many areas across the country

Provinces, SANA- army military operations on Wednesday resulted in the death of scores of terrorists and the destruction of their weaponry as the army units targeted terrorists’  gatherings and hideouts in several areas around the country.

Army units targeted terrorists’ gatherings in Ein al-Baida, al-Jandoul, Deir Hafer, Qibtan al-Jabal, Oweijeh and the ancient city of Aleppo in Aleppo and its countryside, killing a number of them and destroying their vehicles.

The army military operations west and north of al-Nairab, Kwairis and al-Ameriyeh resulted in the killing of scores of terrorists and the destruction of a car loaded with ammunition and a locally-made rocket launcher.

Four cars for terrorists were also destroyed with all terrorists on board in al-Shaqif, Blas and on Aleppo-al-Zirbeh road during the army’s operations.

Army units destroyed dens for ISIS terrorists in the area between al-Bab and al-Qabasiyn in the northeastern countryside of Aleppo, killing several terrorists and wounding others.

Units of the armed forces killed a number of terrorists and injured others in a series of military operations against their gatherings and dens in the countryside of Quneitra southern province and in Damascus countryside.

A military source told SANA that units of the armed forces destroyed gatherings of the armed terrorist organizations in the towns of Ovania, Jabbata al-Khashab , al-Hurria, Tranja and Mashara in Quneitra countryside, killing and injuring many terrorists and destroying a number of their motorcycles and vehicles which were equipped with heavy machineguns.

The source added that another army unit targeted a den for terrorists in the town of Kum al-Basha, in addition to targeting a convoy of their cars between the towns of Breika and Kum al-Basha as a number of cars were destroyed along with all the ammunition on board.

Many terrorists were killed and others were wounded.

In Damascus countryside, army units destroyed dens of terrorists with all the ammunition inside them to the south of Aqraba village, leaving many terrorists dead and destroying their vehicles.

Units of the armed forces carried out operations against the dens and gatherings of terrorists in Damascus Countryside, killing scores of terrorists, including non-Syrians, in addition to destroying their equipment.

A military source told SANA that the army units advanced in Adra al-Balad and gained control over a number of farms near Tal Kurdi after killing scores of terrorists affiliated to the so-called “Islamic Front”.

Mohammad al-Namil, Imad Kiswani and Mohammad Hamad were identified among the dead terrorists.
Other army units targeted dens of terrorists in Douma and al-Ebb and Aliyeh farms, eliminating a number of terrorists, including Mohammad Khalid al-Mkabtal, Bassel al-Wazer and Ghiath al-Bytar.

In Joubar, the army units killed a number of terrorists, including Khalil al-Damaj from Yemen, Jamel al-Zain, Mohammad al-Barghouth and Ismail al-Masri.
In the same context, another army unit clashed with terrorists in Harasta, killing many of them, including Abdullwahab Wahbeh and Mohammad al-Kharbasha.
The army units also destroyed a den of terrorists in Hamoriya, killing many terrorists inside it, including Obaida al-Taraiydeh from Jordan.

The source added that the army units eliminated scores of terrorists in Ein Tarma and al-Doukhaniyeh areas, including Amer al-Najar, Mohammad Sadqa and Shadi al-Ariqsousi.

In al-Qalmoun mountain, the army units killed all members of an armed terrorist group and destroyed their weapons and ammunition in Mera valley.

Among the dead terrorists were Mohammad al-Badawi, Mohammad al-Khateb, Adham Houri and Ahmad Hadi.

Army units on Wednesday targeted terrorists’ gatherings in the villages of  al-Khadra and Otira  in the northern countryside of Lattakia, killing 17 terrorists, many of them are non-Syrians, and injuring others.

A terrorist’s warehouse for rockets and a 23 mm cannon  were also destroyed, according to a military source.

The source added that terrorists Aos al-Zaki, nicknamed Hajaj al-Maghrib, the leader of Jabhat al-Nusra terrorist organization in Lattakia, Moroccan terrorist Milan Salwan, terrorist Mahmoud Baldeir, the general coordinator of the so-called Ahrar al-Sham terrorist organization and the Tunisian terrorists Asa’d  Shukri and Bilal al-Aitoun were identified among the dead.

An army unit destroyed a number of terrorists’ vehicles, killing and injuring all those who were on board them in the surroundings of Bestamoun town in Idleb countryside.

An army unit dismantled two explosive devices rigged for remote detonation which terrorists had planted in Palmyra area in Homs countryside.

The first IED, weighing 20 kg, was planted by terrorists in the highway between Tayfour and Homs near Munawara area, while the second, which is a C4 explosive weighing 40 kg, was planted on a dirt road near a cemetery in the town of al-Sukhna.

Other army units dismantled four IEDs, each weighing 3 kg, which were planted on the road between al-Basira and al-Qaryatain near al-Hir al-Gharbi Castle turnpike, while another unit found 3 rockets stashed in a terrorist hideout in Palmyra’s southern fields.

A military source said that an army unit restored security and stability to al-Ghubait area and the surrounding farms in Homs countryside after eliminating a number of terrorists and injuring others.

Army units targeted terrorist concentrations in Kafr Laha in al-Houleh area, al-Samarmar valley southwest of Hasya, and in al-Fawshawish in Homs’ eastern countryside, eliminating a number of terrorists and injuring others.

Units of the armed forces targeted terrorists’ gatherings in al-Rastan, al-Sha’er, Mannoukh, al-Fasedeh, and Um Hawadeed in the eastern countryside of Homs province, killing and injuring several terrorists.


Army units destroyed ISIS terrorists’ hideouts in the neighborhoods of al-Huwaiqa, al-Sina’a, al-Matar al-Qadim, and al-Rushdiye in Deir Ezzor city, leaving a number of terrorists dead and others injured including some of non-Syrian nationalities.

Several terrorists were killed and others were injured as the army targeted their gatherings in Deir al-Adas and the surroundings of Kherbet Ghazaleh in the countryside of Daraa province.

Army units eliminated a number of terrorists, injured, others, and destroyed a car equipped with a heavy machinegun and an ammo cache in Hama countryside.

A military source told SANA that army units targeted terrorist concentrations in the areas of al-Latamneh, Kafr Zita, al-Masafneh, Morek, al-Sayyad, al-Hamadaniye, Salba, and Uqairibat in the province’s countryside, eliminating many terrorists and injuring others.

Units of the armed forces carried out operations against dens and gatherings of terrorists affiliated to the so-called “Islamic State in Iraq and Sham” in the neighborhoods of al-Sina’a, Old Airport and al-Rushdiyeh in Deir Ezzor city, killing many terrorists , including non-Syrians and destroying their weapons and ammunition.

A source in Deir Ezzor told SANA that an army unit targeted a gathering of terrorists in the area surrounding al-Syasiyeh bridge in al-Haweiqa neighborhood, destroying their weapons and ammunition and a bulldozer.


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