Al-Jaafari : Some UNSC permanent members try to lie to create pretext for aggression against Syria

New York, SANA- Syria’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Dr. Bashar al-Jaafari, said that the Israeli aggression against Syria would not succeed in protecting Israel’s agents from terrorist organizations, pointing out that some of the United Nations Security Council’s permanent members are trying to lie to defame Syria and create pretexts for attacking it.

Al-Jaafari, during the UN Security Council session on the situation in Syria on Monday evening, condemned in the strongest terms the Israeli aggression on T-4 Airport in Homs province as a flagrant violation of the UN Security Council Resolution No. 350 of 1974 and relevant UN Security Council resolutions on combating terrorism.

He confirmed that the Israeli aggression represents an indirect response to the success of the Syrian Arab Army in expelling the terrorist groups from the suburbs of Damascus City and its countryside and other Syrian areas.” The repeated Israeli aggressions will not dissuade the Syrian Arab Army from continuing the decisive military achievements in combating terrorism,”

Al-Jaafari stressed that it has been proven that the campaigns launched by some states including member states at the Security Council on the deterioration of the humanitarian conditions in the Eastern Ghouta have been just lies.

The Permanent Representative said that the governments of some states are accustomed to lying, yet they fortunately lack the preciseness in making their lies, adding that the effects of lying policy adopted by some of the Security Council’s member states have become like mass destruction weapons.

He clarified that the evidence on their lies and allegations is that the locals of Douma exited safely and the terrorists chose to reach an agreement with the Syrian state.

The Representative wondered whether the goal behind the call by France, Britain, and the US for holding a session of the Security Council is to legitimize the Israeli aggression on Syria which took place on Monday morning or to stop the implementation of the agreement which its tools wanted.

“ Before the Sarin gas attack launched by the terrorist groups on Khan al-Asal in Aleppo in on March 19th 2013, Syria informed the Security Council on December 10th 2012 that the US, England and France have launched a campaign of allegations on the possibility of launching such an attack by the Syrian Government, and we warned that these allegations pave the way for providing chemical weapons to the armed terrorist groups by the governments which sponsor them,” al-Jaafari said.

He reiterated that Syria has warned many times of the fact that the terrorist groups are preparing for using chemical weapons against the innocent Syrians and that they work through their media tools to fabricate evidence on such attacks.

“We note in every chapter of the scenario of the alleged use of chemical materials that these materials do not target militants at all but only target children and women,” al-Jaafari said.

He confirmed that Syria is ready to facilitate the entry of a fact-finding mission of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) to Douma as soon as possible to verify the allegations of the attack as it supports the Russian demand on holding a session for listening to a briefing on the visit by assessment mission to Raqqa.

Today we directly accuse Washington, Paris, London, Riyadh, Doha and Ankara on supplying Daesh (ISIS), Jabhat al-Nusra, Jaish al-Islam and Faylaq al-Rahman and scores of other terrorist groups affiliated to them with poisonous chemical substances to use them against the Syrian civilians, al-Jaafari said.

He stressed that the threat of the United States Permanent Representative to the UN Nikki Haley to Syria at the Security Council means that she pays no heed neither to the Council nor to the international law or the UN Charter.

Responding to her speech that Russia is spending resources to support what she called the regime in Syria, al-Jaafari asked her whether the United States is spending on sending milk and medicine to Syrian children or on sending weapons and ammunition to its terrorist gangs which practiced the worst crimes against the Syrian people or on the aircraft of its alliance which destroyed many places in Syria, especially Raqqa city.

R. Jazaeri/Ghossoun


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