USA uses another veto at United Nations Security Council in favor of Israeli occupation entity

Occupied Al-Quds, SANA – The US added another veto on Monday to its record of 43 vetoes used for decades against the Arab and Palestinian people in favor of the Israeli occupation entity.

The US veto against a Security Council draft resolution rejecting Trump’s recognition of Al-Quds (Jerusalem) as the capital of Israeli occupation and moving the US embassy to it, was not unexpected, and it comes at a time when several Arab sides including Al Saud are showing submission to their American overlords.

In the early 70s of the 20th century, the US rejected all draft resolutions demanding the Israeli entity to withdraw from the occupied Arab lands and condemning the construction of settlements and attacks on sacred places and Arab people, as well as the decisions that assert the Palestinian people’s right to self-determination and establishing their independent state.

The US vetoes also prevented all draft resolutions condemning the Israeli occupation’s attacks on Lebanese people.

The US went on to use vetoes to protect Israel 25 times in the 1980s, a period which witnessed the ugliest massacres against Palestinians, especially in Sabra and Shatila refugee camps in Lebanon.

Also during the 80s, the Israeli occupationtook a decision to annex the occupied Syrian Golan, and the carried out an invasion of Lebanon, with the US using the power of veto to block all the Security Council draft resolutions condemning the Israeli entity and imposing sanctions or demanding it to withdraw from the occupied Arab lands.

This continued in the 1990s, as the American vetoes prevented issuing resolutions demanding the Israeli entity to stop its settlement activities in the east of occupied al-Quds.

Moving on to the early 21st century, the US continued to paralyze the Security Council and prevent it from releasing any resolutions to stop the siege on Gaza Strip or protect Palestinians in it and in the Western Bank, as well as vetoing any resolution demanding the removal of Israeli apartheid wall.

In 2002, Washington used a veto against a resolution submitted by Syria to condemn the killing of a number of UN employees and the destruction of a World Food Programme (WFP) warehouse in the occupied Palestinian territories by the Israeli forces.

With this dishonorable track record of using vetoes to abort any attempt to hold the Israeli occupation accountable for its crime, the United States has proved throughout its history to be unsuitable for sponsoring any peace process, all while Arab Gulf governments continue to curry America’s favor with billions of dollars and concessions to the Israeli occupation, all at the expense of the Arab and Palestinian people and their rights.

Maya Dayoub / HazemSabbagh

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