Damascus: US-led coalition won’t succeed to establish de facto situation in Raqqa

Damascus, SANA – Foreign and Expatriates Ministry called on the UN Security Council to immediately move to stop the brutal crimes committed by the international coalition led by the US against the Syrian people.

In two letters sent to the UN Secretary General and Chairman of the Security Council, the Ministry said that the warplanes of the international coalition targeted al-Qussour neighborhood in Deir Ezzor city on October 23rd, claiming the lives of 14 civilians and injuring more than 40 others, children and women among them.

The fact that the coalition targeted al-Qussour neighborhood, knowing that it is now populated by civilians after it has been recently liberated and totally cleansed of ISIS terrorists by the Syrian army and its allies, discloses further the “suspicious” and “subversive” role of this coalition, said the Foreign Ministry.

This proves the coalition’s “frantic” efforts to derail the advance of the Syrian Arab Army and its allies following their victories against ISIS terrorist organization, particularly in the province of Deir Ezzor, the Ministry added.

The Ministry’s letters to the top UN chiefs brought to mind what the US-led coalition is doing in Raqqa having committed massacres that left thousands of innocent civilians dead and almost “wiped the city off the face of earth”, while at the same time, securing, along with its militias, a “safe exit” for ISIS militants out of Raqqa and Deir Ezzor to attack the Syrian army in Deir Ezzor.

The Ministry lashed out at the coalition’s attempts to cover its “heinous” crime in Raqqa through announcing plans to reconstruct the destroyed city.

The coalition, the letters stressed, “Will not succeed in consolidating the de facto situation it seeks to achieve in cooperation with its agents, in a gross violation of the Syrian Arab Republic’s sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity.”

The Ministry also took a swipe against the countries which issue statements hailing the US-led coalition while turning a blind eye to the deaths of thousands of civilians in Raqqa and the full destruction of the city, considering those “complicit” in the shedding of the Syrians’ blood and the destruction of their cities and infrastructure.

M.al-Frieh/H. Said

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