Russia strongly condemns recent terrorist attacks in Damascus

Moscow, SANA_ Russia condemned the recent terrorist attacks occurred near Bab al-Saghir cemetery in Damascus, emphasizing that terrorists should not be allowed to derail the efforts in Astana and Geneva to settle the crisis in Syria.

” Terrorists should not be allowed to implement their intentions to derail the international community’s efforts in Astana and Geneva to enhance the cessation of hostilities and unify all Syrians’ efforts in facing terrorism and moving forward with a political settlement based on the UN Security Council resolution No. 2245,” the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement Monday.

The statement added that Moscow decisively condemns another barbaric campaign of terrorists, offers condolences to the families of the victims and wishes the injured speedy recovery.

On Saturday, two blasts occurred near Bab al-Saghir cemetery in Damascus, leaving scores of people killed and wounded and causing material damage to the cemetery and public and private properties.

Gatilov: Moscow regrets Western states’ prevention of issuing UNSC statement condemning terrorist bombings in Damascus

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov expressed Moscow’s regrets that Western states prevented of issuing a press statement at the UN Security Council condemning the terrorist bombings which took place on Saturday in Bab al-Saghir area in Damascus.

Speaking to Interfax Russian news agency, Gatilov said that those countries’ rejection of the draft resolution prepared by Russia surprised Moscow because the text was drafted using the terms that used traditionally in such occasions, adding that there is no room here for double standards or selective positions which occur whenever the talk is about such incidents in Syria.

He said that Russia believes that the aim of such attacks is to undermine the cessation of hostilities agreement and the intra-Syrian dialogue, noting that United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has condemned the terrorist bombings in Damascus.

English Bulletin



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