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Reality of Events

July, 2021

  • 10 July

    Local official of QSD militia killed in Deir-Ezzor countryside

    Deir-Ezzor, SANA-A Local official of US-backed QSD militia was shot to death in the town of al-Kasra in the western countryside of Deir Ezzor. Local sources told SANA that an …

  • 9 July

    Turkish occupation and its mercenaries target with shells villages in Ras al-Ayn, Hasaka countryside

    Hasaka, SANA- The Turkish occupation forces and its terrorist mercenaries renewed their attacks on the villages and towns located in the vicinity of their deployment areas, as they attacked on …

  • 8 July

    Turkish occupation and its mercenaries attack with shells Manbij countryside and al-Bab, north of Aleppo

    Aleppo, SANA- The Turkish occupation forces and their mercenaries of terrorist groups renewed attacks on the safe areas in Aleppo northern countryside. SANA reporter quoted local sources as saying that …

  • 8 July

    Al-Nusra terrorists destroy the train bridge in Badama town in Idleb countryside

    Idleb, SANA- In the framework of their criminal acts and sabotage acts , the terrorists of Jabhat al-Nusra dissembled the iron and stole it from the train bridge in Badama …

  • 7 July

    US occupation forces continue to reinforce their bases in Syrian al-Jazeera region

    Hasaka, SANA- US occupation forces continued to reinforce their bases in the Syrian al-Jazeera region, in parallel with looting the country’s resources of wheat and oil. Local sources in al-Suwaidiyah …

  • 6 July

    Hasaka Governor, Magtymova discuss impact of cutting off water by Turkish regime

    Hasaka, SANA- Hasaka Governor Ghassan Khalil discussed with Director of the World Health Organization (WHO) office in Syria, Dr. Akjemal Magtymova, the impact of cutting off drinking water by the …

  • 5 July

    Several civilians injured in booby-trapped motorcycle explosion in al-Shadadi City

    Hasaka, SANA- A number of civilians were injured in the explosion of a booby-trapped motorcycle in front of one of the US occupation-backed QSD militia in al-Shadadi City in Hasaka …

  • 5 July

    Shelling attack targets US occupation military base at al-Omar oil field, Deir Ezzor countryside  

    Deir Ezzor, SANA- The US occupation military base at al-Omar oil field in Deir Ezzor eastern countryside was targeted on Sunday evening with a missile attack for the second time …

  • 4 July

    Three civilians kidnapped by QSD militia in Dhiban town in Deir Ezzor countryside

    Deir Ezzor, SANA- As part of its continuous crimes against the people, US occupation-backed QSD militia kidnapped a number of young men in the town of Dhiban in the eastern …

  • 4 July

    US occupation continues to steal wheat and oil, strengthens it bases in al-Jazeera

    Hasaka, SANA – The US occupation forces have continued to steal the country’s resources as 45 of their vehicles loaded with wheat and oil leaved Rmelan area in Hasaka northeastern …