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Reality of Events

January, 2022

  • 8 January

    A civilian martyred, another injured in explosive device blast, Quneitra countryside

    Quneitra, SANA- A civilian was martyred, his brother was injured in blast of an explosive device left behind by terrorists in Kurum al-Kasheh, south of Haddar town, Quneitra northern countryside. …

  • 8 January

    Turkish occupation artillery shelling on Hasaka countryside causes material damage

    Hasaka, SANA-Turkish occupation and its mercenaries of terrorist organizations renewed their aggression on Abu Rasin town and the adjacent villages in Hasaka northern countryside, causing material damage to the locals’ …

  • 7 January

    QSD militia kidnaps young men from al-Yarubiyah in Hasaka countryside

    Hasaka ,SANA-QSD militia linked to US occupation forces, kidnapped several young men from Abu Manasib and al-Tash villages in al-Yarubiyah area , Hasaka countryside and took them to an unknown …

  • 6 January

    Maintenance works at Tal Tamer power station stop as Turkish occupation escalate aggression

    Hasaka, SANA- Maintenance works at Tal Tamer power transmission station in Hasaka countryside stopped in light of the fierce attacks by the Turkish occupation and its terrorist mercenaries with artillery …

  • 6 January

    Several QSD militants wounded in attack, Hasaka countryside

    Hasaka, SANA- A number of US occupation-backed QSD militia gunmen were injured after the popular factions has targeted their car with an explosive device in al-Hawl area in Hasaka eastern …

  • 6 January

    Israeli aggression with tank shells on vicinity of al-Hurryia village, Quneitra countryside

    Quneitra, SANA- The Israeli occupation entity attacked with a number of shells the forest area in the vicinity of al-Hurryia town in Quneitra northwestern countryside. SANA’s reporter in Quneitra stated …

  • 6 January

    “US-led coalition” announces that rocket shells hit one of its bases in Deir Ezzor

    Deir Ezzor, SANA- The illegitimate Washington-led so-called “International Coalition” has announced that one of its military bases in Deir Ezzor was targeted with eight rocket shells. The illegitimate coalition said …

  • 5 January

    Popular factions target with an explosive device a car for QSD militia in Deir Ezzor countryside

    Deir Ezzor, SANA – An explosive device went off in a military car for the US occupation- backed QSD militia in Mheimidah Village in Deir Ezzor countryside, injuring many of …

  • 4 January

    US occupation conducts airdrop in al-Dushaisha village, Hasaka countryside  

    Hasaka, SANA- The US occupation forces have imposed a security cordon around al-Dushaisha village, Hasaka southern countryside on Tuesday at dawn, and conducted an airdrop in it, after which they …

  • 3 January

    One citizen martyred in mine blast in Hama countryside

    Hama, SANA- A citizen was martyred in the blast of a mine left behind by Daesh “ISIS” terrorists and a number of sheep were also killed in the blast which …