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Reality of Events

February, 2021

  • 16 February

    A QSD militant killed in Deir Ezzor eastern countryside 

    Deir Ezzor, SANA –A militant from the US occupation backed -QSD militia was killed in Mashekh village, Deir Ezzor eastern countryside. Local sources told SANA that the attacks on positions …

  • 16 February

    QSD militia kidnaps dozens of young men in al-Mansoura town, west of Raqqa

    Raqqa, SANA – The US occupation backed- QSD militia has kidnapped a number of young men in Raqqa western countryside to force them fight among its ranks. Local sources told …

  • 16 February

    Two civilians martyred, three women injured in a land mine blast left by terrorists in Aleppo countryside

    Aleppo, SANA- A man and a child were martyred while three women were injured in a blast of land mine, left behind by terrorist organizations, in the vicinity of Khanaser …

  • 14 February

    Two QSD militants killed, others injured in separate attacks in Deir Ezzor, Hasaka countryside

    Deir Ezzor, SANA- Two militants of the US occupation-backed QSD militia were killed and others were injured in two separate attacks on their positions in the countryside of Deir Ezzor …

  • 14 February

    US occupation brings in weapons, logistic materials to its bases in oil fields, Deir Ezzor and Hasaka

    Hasaka, Deir Ezzor  , SANA – US occupation forces brought in a convoy of vehicles carrying logistic support and weapons to their base in al-Omar oil field in Deir Ezzor …

  • 14 February

    At least six civilians injured in a car bomb blast in Jandaris town, Afrin

    Aleppo, SANA- Several civilians were injured in a car bomb blast in Jandaris town in Afrin area, Aleppo northwestern countryside where Turkish occupation-backed terrorist groups spread. Local sources told SANA …

  • 13 February

    QSD militia kidnaps a number of civilians in Raqqa countryside

    Raqqa, SANA- US occupation-backed QSD militia kidnapped civilians, among them a number of young men, in Raqqa northern and eastern countryside to force them to fight in its ranks. Local …

  • 12 February

    QSD militia continues to kidnap journalists and teachers in Syrian al-Jazzera

    Hasaka, SANA- US occupation- backed QSD militia continued its systematized violations against civilians in Syrian al-Jazeera, kidnapping journalists, teachers and party cadres. QSD practices come in the framwork of a …

  • 12 February

    Militia man of QSD killed in attack in countryside of Deir Ezzor

    Deir Ezzor, SANA- Attacks on US-backed QSD militia continue, as one of its militants was killed on Friday morning after shooting him directly in the northern countryside of Deir Ezzor. …

  • 11 February

    Army units deploy to Tafas in Daraa countryside to establish security and stability

    Daraa, SANA- Syrian Arab Army Units on Thursday entered Tafas town in Daraa northwestern countryside to establish security and stability in it. A field commander told SANA reporter that deployment …