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Reality of Events

April, 2021

  • 1 April

    QSD militia kidnaps 15 civilians in villages in Hasaka southern countryside

    Hasaka, SANA- US occupation forces-backed QSD militia has continued to launch raiding campaigns in the areas which they occupy in the Syrian al-Jazeera, as they kidnapped on Thursday several civilians …

March, 2021

  • 31 March

    Two QSD militants killed in attack in al-Shadadi, Hasaka countryside

    Hasaka, SANA- Two militants of the US occupation forces-backed QSD militia were killed and three others were injured in an attack that targeted a vehicle carrying them in Hasaka southern …

  • 31 March

    US occupation transports 40 Daesh terrorists to its base in al-Shadadi, south of Hasaka

    Hasaka, SANA- The US occupation forces have transported 40 terrorists of Daesh terrorist organization by helicopters from al-Houl prison, east of Hasaka city, to its illegitimate base in al-Shadadi city …

  • 30 March

    QSD militia seize locals’ lands Swaidek village in al-Malikiyah, Hasaka countryside

    Hasaka, SANA- In the framework of its criminal practices in the areas of its deployment in the Syrian al-Jazeera, the US occupation forces-backed QSD militia has seized on the lands …

  • 30 March

    One QSD militant killed, two others injured in machine gun attack, Raqqa eastern countryside

    Raqqa, SANA- A militant from the US occupation forces-backed QSD militia was killed and two others were injured in a machine gun attack in Raqqa eastern countryside. Local sources told …

  • 29 March

    QSD militia kidnaps dozens of al-Houl residents, takes them to unknown destination

    Hasaka, SANA-The US occupation-backed QSD militia has continued to impose a siege on al-Houl refugee camp, which is controlled by the militia backed by the occupation forces in Hasaka eastern …

  • 29 March

    Several civilians injured in explosive device blast in Ras al-Ayn, Hasaka countryside

    Hasaka, SANA-A number of civilians were injured in the blast of an explosive device planted in a car in Ras al-Ayn City in Hasaka northwestern countryside, where terrorist groups affiliated …

  • 28 March

    A civilian injured in landmine blast left behind by terrorists in Palmyra

    Palmyra, SANA- A civilian was injured on Sunday in blast of landmine left behind by Daesh terrorists in the west of Ark village in the eastern countryside of Palmyra. “The …

  • 28 March

    In implementation of US occupation agenda… QSD seizes houses in vicinity of occupation helicopters’ helipad in Hasaka

    Hasaka, SANA- The US occupation-backed QSD militia has displaced the owners of houses in the vicinity of the occupation helicopters’ helipad in Ghwairan neighborhood by force of arms, and issued …

  • 26 March

    A Civilian martyred, two others injured in explosive device blast in Quneitra countryside

    Quneitra, SANA – A Civilian was martyred , his child and another one were injured in blast of explosive device on Jabah – Um Batnah road in Quneitra northern countryside. …