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Reality of Events

May, 2021

  • 31 May

    One of Turkish occupation mercenaries killed, another injured in infighting in Aleppo countryside

    Aleppo, SANA- One of the Turkish occupation’s terrorist mercenaries was killed, another was injured in infighting between them in Afrin city in Aleppo northern countryside. Local sources told SANA that …

  • 31 May

    Turkish occupation, its mercenaries fire rocket and artillery shells on villages in Aleppo countryside

    Aleppo, SANA- Turkish occupation forces and it terrorist mercenaries on Monday fired rocket and artillery shells on a number of villages in Aleppo northern countryside. Local sources told SANA reporter …

  • 31 May

    Five QSD militants injured in attacks in Deir Ezzor Countryside

    Deir Ezzor, SANA- Five of the US occupation-backed QSD militants were injured in an explosion that targeted one of the militia’s positions in al-Ksheikeh town in Deir Ezzor countryside. Locals …

  • 30 May

    Nearly 30 dunums of wheat burned in landmine blast left behind by terrorists at Jubbayn village in Hama countryside

    Hama, SANA – A bout 30 dunums of wheat fields were burned in a landmine blast, left behind by terrorist organizations, in an agricultural harvester machine in Jubbayn village in …

  • 30 May

    Turkish occupation and its mercenaries shell Maraanaz village in Aleppo countryside

    Aleppo, SANA- Turkish regime forces and their mercenaries of terrorist organizations on Sunday targeted with rocket and artillery shells Maraanaz village in Aleppo northern countryside. Civil sources told SANA that …

  • 28 May

    Two militants of QSD killed in an attack on one of their vehicles, south of Raqqa

    Raqqa, ANA- Two members of US occupation forces-backed QSD militia were killed in an explosive device attack on their car south of Raqqa city. Local sources told SANA that an …

  • 27 May

    A civilian martyred, 5 others injured in explosive device blast in Aleppo countryside

    Aleppo, SANA- A civilian was martyred, others were injured in an explosive device blast in a car in Afrin area, in Aleppo northern countryside which is occupied by Turkish occupation …

  • 27 May

    QSD militia kidnaps 20 young men from Raqqa city and its countryside

    Raqqa, SANA- US occupation-backed QSD militia kidnapped a number of youths from Raqqa city and its countryside to recruit them forcibly in its ranks. Local sources told SANA that QSD …

  • 24 May

    Many civilians Martyred and injured in blast of motorcycle bomb in Aleppo countryside

    Aleppo, SANA- A number of citizens were martyred and many injured in explosion of booby -trapped motorcycle in Jarablus city  in the eastern countryside of Aleppo  where Turkish occupation forces  …

  • 24 May

    QSD militia kidnaps four citizens in Tal Hamis town, Hasaka countryside

    Hasaka, SANA- The US occupation-backed QSD militia has continued to intensify the raids and kidnappings in the areas of their deployment in the Syrian al-Jazeera region as on Monday it …