Home / Presidency Of Syrian Arab Republic (page 27)

Presidency Of Syrian Arab Republic

November, 2022

  • 21 November

    President al-Assad affirms importance of turning Youth initiatives into applied programs

    Damascus, SANA-President Bashar al-Assad on Monday met 100 Syrian University students who have participated in dialogue Youth sessions, launched by the National Union for Syrian Students over the last week, …

  • 16 November

    President al-Assad receives message from Sultan of Oman Haitham bin Tariq on bilateral relations

    Damascus, SANA- President Bashar al-Assad received on Wednesday Badr bin Hamad Al Busaidi, Foreign Minister of Sultanate of Oman and an accompanying delegation. The Omani minister handed over President al-Assad …

  • 15 November

    Ambassador al-Dandah conveys President al-Assad’s congratulations to Iraqi Prime Minister on assuming his duties

    Baghdad, SANA- Ways to enhance cooperation relations between Syria and Iraq were the main point of discussion during a meeting that brought together Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani and …

  • 7 November

    Before President al-Assad, several Syrian Ambassadors sworn in

    Damascus, SANA- Before President Bashar al-Assad, new Syrian Ambassadors to Venezuela, Cuba, Bahrain, Serbia, Brazil, Senegal, Pakistan and Democratic People’s Republic of Korea were sworn in. The Ambassadors are : …

October, 2022

  • 31 October

    President al-Assad awards Mrs. Najah al-Attar the Umayyad National Order

    Damascus, SANA- President Bashar al-Assad on Monday awarded Mrs. Najah al-Attar, the Vice-President, the Umayyad National Order, in the presence of cultural, intellectual and literary figures in Syria. President al-Assad …

  • 27 October

    President al-Assad: We are able to develop, expand and rehabilitate what has been destroyed by terrorism

    Homs, SANA- President Bashar al-Assad visited on Thursday the Southern Central Region Gas Plant and shared the workers and technicians in launching the first phase of running the turbo-compressors which …

  • 20 October

    President al-Assad to Russian delegation: joint conditions of war on terrorism will help bilateral social and cultural integration

    Damascus , SANA – Members of the the delegation participating in the 5th meeting to follow up the International Conference on the Return of Syrian Refugees and Displaced conveyed to …

  • 19 October

    President al-Assad receives Palestinian delegation… talks deal with reconciliation discussions held in Algeria

    Damascus, SANA- President Bashar al-Assad received a delegation comprising a number of leaders and representatives of the Palestinian forces and factions as talks dealt with the outcomes of the reconciliation …

  • 18 October

    President al-Assad congratulates Mr. Abdul Latif Rashid on his election as President of Iraq

    Baghdad, SANA-President Bashar al-Assad congratulated on Tuesday Mr. Abdul Latif Jamal Rashid on his election as President of Iraq. “President Abdul Latif Jamal Rashid received today Ambassador of the Syrian …

  • 12 October

    President al-Assad and Mrs.Asma attend basketball match within Paralympic Games: the wounded has the top priority

    Damascus, SANA- President Bashar Al-Assad and Mrs. Asma al-Assad attended a basketball match on Wednesday, the second day of the the competitions of the Paralympic Games held in Damascus for …