Home / Presidency Of Syrian Arab Republic (page 21)

Presidency Of Syrian Arab Republic

March, 2023

  • 21 March

    President al-Assad to Kharrazi: This period requires strategic work among countries of the region

    Damascus, SANA-President Bashar al-Assad on Tuesday received Head of Iran’s Strategic Council on Foreign Relations, Mr. Kamal Kharrazi and an accompanying delegation. Talks during the meeting dealt with a number …

  • 19 March

    Presidents al-Assad ,Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed discuss positive developments in the region, economic cooperation

    Abu Dhabi, SANA- President Bashar al-Assad and President of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, held official talks at Qasr Al Watan in the UAE …

  • 19 March

    Sheikha Fatima Bint Mubarak receives the First Lady Mrs. Asma al-Assad

    Abu Dhabi, SANA- The “Mother of the Emirates”, Her Highness Sheikha Fatima bint Mubarak has received the First Lady Mrs. Asma al-Assad and the accompanying delegation at ” Al Bahr …

  • 19 March

    President al-Assad arrives in UAE on an official visit accompanied by Mrs. Asma al-Assad

    Abu Dhabi, SANA- President Bashar al-Assad arrived on Sunday at noon in the United Arab Emirates on an official visit, accompanied by the First Lady Mrs. Asma al-Assad. Upon his …

  • 18 March

    President al-Assad meets members of the General Secretariat of Conference of Arab Parties

    Damascus, SANA- President Bashar al-Assad received Saturday members of the General Secretariat of Arab Parties Conference which is holding its 63rd extraordinary meeting in Damascus. President al-Assad considered that the …

  • 17 March

    President al-Assad: The war on Syria has proven that the West will not change, and everything it does contradicts its false humanitarian principles

    Moscow, SANA- President Bashar Al-Assad said that “the war in Syria has proven that the West will not change and seeks to transform other countries into subordinate states that meet …

  • 17 March

    President al-Assad: Moscow seeks to end war in Syria… my visit will pave the way for a new phase in the relationship between the two countries

    Moscow, SANA- President Bashar Al-Assad gave an interview to Rossiya Segodnya Agency, during his official visit to the Russian Federation, in which he answered a wide range of questions in …

  • 16 March

    President al-Assad arrives in Damascus concluding a three-day visit to Federal Russia

    Damascus, SANA- President Bashar al-Assad arrived in Damascus on Thursday concluding a 3-day visit to federal Russia. The President was seen off at Vnukovo International Airport with the same ceremonies …

  • 16 March

    President al-Assad to RT: The US is the most rogue country in the world

    Moscow, SANA- President Bashar al-Assad said that an Arab move towards Syria has started, noting that the return to the Arab League is not a goal by itself for Syria, …

  • 16 March

    President al-Assad in an interview with Sputnik: My visit to Moscow will pave way for new stage in two countries’ relations

    Moscow, SANA- President Bashar al-Assad stressed that his visit to Moscow and his talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin will pave the way for new phase of the relations between …