Lavrov: It was never secret that Russia provides Syria with military equipment to fight terrorism

Moscow, SANA – Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov affirmed to U.S. State Secretary John Kerry that it has never been kept secret that Russia supplies Syria with military equipment in support of its efforts in combating terrorism.

This came in Lavrov’s response to Kerry’s inquiry about Russia’s assistance to the Syrian government.

Russian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Maria Zakharova said Kerry sought clarification about the Russian aid to the Syrian government in support of the latter for fighting terrorism during his latest phone call with his Russian counterpart on Saturday.

Lavrov stressed that Russia always provides such assistance to Syria and has done this before, adding that the Russian side has never before kept it secret that it provides Syria with military equipment to help in combating terrorism, according to Zakharova..

She pointed out that Lavrov discussed with Kerry the issue of boosting the effectiveness of counterterrorism efforts in the Middle East.

Lavrov, she added, reminded Kerry that Moscow had repeatedly called upon the coalition led by Washington to cooperate with the Syrian authorities under the UN auspices to combat the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) given the fact that Syrian army is the most effective force that is facing ISIS and the other terrorist organizations on the ground.

Manar al-Frieh/H. Said

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