Syrians abroad hail Army sacrifices and heroism in face of the terrorist war

Capitals, SANA- Syrians abroad celebrated the 70th anniversary of the Army Day, hailing the sacrifices of the army personnel in the face of the terrorist war launched against Syria for more than four years.

Celebrating the 70th anniversary of establishing the Syrian Arab Army, members of the Syrian community in France expressed complete rejection of all the attempts to undermine the national unity of Syria and to destabilize it.

They stressed in a statement that the army personnel are defending the homeland and they are continuing the process of defending the Arab nation and its people which they started from more than four years, proving to the whole world that they are an impregnable fortress in the face of terrorism.

The statement referred to the hugeness of the challenges imposed by the terrorist aggression against Syria, affirming that the Syrian Arab Army has been greater than these challenges as it has been able to defy and overcome them and it has been an example to follow in sacrifice and heroism.

In the same context, members of the National Union of Syrian Students “NUSS”- Czech Branch, celebrating the anniversary, affirmed determination to continue the process of struggle and to pursue their education to be able to face the agendas of the imperialism and Zionism and of their Arab and regional followers till achieving the aspirations of the Syrian people of foiling all the terrorist and colonial schemes.

In a statement, the Union said that the sacrifices of the Syrian Army represent an example to follow in pride, dignity and freedom, indicating that the army is fighting terrorism and the Takfiri mentality and this battle would define the fate of the Arab nation and the future of its generations.

The statement affirmed that Syria will restore its historical role on the regional and international levels and it will be able to restore peace, security and stability, reiterating confidence that Syria is able to thwart the international conspiracy hatched against it.

The Union stressed that Syria will remain as it has always been an example in struggle, amity and national unity, hailing the limitless sacrifices of the army personnel who are defending the homeland and its dignity and sovereignty.

R.J/ Barry

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