Larijani meeting Laham…Iran will spare no effort in continuing its unlimited support to Syria in facing Takfiri terrorism

Tehran, SANA- Means of enhancing parliamentary cooperation between Syria and Iran to overcome the dangers and big challenges facing Syria and the region were discussed Monday during a meeting between Speaker of the People’s Assembly Mohammad Jihad al-Laham and Speaker of Iran’s Shura Council Ali Larijani.

The phenomenon of the Takfiri terrorism and the extremism which is expanding in the region with a regional and international unlimited financial and military support was one of the main points of discussion during the meeting.

Al-Laham referred to the danger of the recent escalation in the terrorist aggression and acts against the Syrian people with a clear and outrageous support by the Western countries and some of the Arab states which are known by all, in addition to some of the neighboring countries.

The Syrian people have fought side by side with their leadership and army and remained steadfast for more than four years in the face of the machine of killing, destruction and trans-border terrorism, and they are still fighting terrorism on all the Syrian land to restore security and stability to the homeland, and they are adhered to the national reconciliation and dialogue, Laham said.

He underlined the necessity of exerting all possible efforts to face the Takfiri terrorism and to prevent supplying terrorists with money and arms and their crossing based on the relevant resolutions of the UN Security Council.

Al-Laham, also, referred to the suffering of the Syrian people and the nations of the region due to the consequences of terrorism and the practices of the Takfiri terrorists, hailing the sacrifices of the Syrian Arab Army.

“Supporting the steadfastness of the Syrian people in the face of terrorism and the unjust economic sanctions enhances the resistance axis and thwarts conspiracies and goals of those who conspire against the region and its identity and civilization,” al-Laham said.

He added that the parliaments have a significant and effective role and they can shoulder their responsibilities in providing support in the face of terrorism and extremism whose impacts will reach the countries that support and back it.

Speaker Al-Laham affirmed that the international alliance against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria “ISIS” terrorist organization led by the US just aims at diverting the international public opinion from the terrorist and criminal acts of the Takfiri terrorist organizations in Syria, Iraq and Yemen and at undermining the security and stability of these countries in the interest of the Zio-American project which aims at dividing the region and usurping its resources.

He warned that the systematic Takfiri terrorism which targets all the spectrums of the nations, works on achieving ethnic cleansing, displacing the people and the systematic destruction of cultural heritage and archeological monuments.

He affirmed that supporting terrorism and terrorists to achieve political goals is a very dangerous issue that threatens the international security and peace and it must be countered firmly, calling upon the parliaments to shoulder their responsibilities in passing strict legislations with regard to the terrorism and extremism and to the recruitment and finance of terrorists to put an end to the phenomenon of Takfiri terrorism which has no geographical borders.

Al-Laham thanked the Iranian leadership, government and people for the continued and unlimited support to Syria in the face of the unjust war waged against it, highly appreciating the support provided by Syria’s friends to get out of the crisis and to overcome the impacts of terrorism.


For his part, Larijani stressed that Iran will spare no effort in continuing its unlimited support to Syria in facing the Takfiri terrorism which constitutes a threat to the region and the world.

The latest terrorist escalation against Syria is linked to the latest developments in the regional arena in Yemen and Iraq and to the victories achieved by the Syrian Arab Army and the resistance against terrorism on more than one front in Syria, Larijani said.

In Iran, we are following up the latest developments in Syria and the region and we will not at all allow to undermine Syria and its sovereignty and stability or to interfere in its affairs…We will continue our political and economic support to enhance the resilience of the Syrian people who are fighting the international terrorism on behalf of the whole world, Larijani stressed.

He also indicated to the situations in Yemen, calling for the direct halt of war against the Yemeni people and for allowing the delivery of humanitarian aid, in addition to holding an inter-Yemeni dialogue to solve the crisis in their country.

In a press conference following the meeting, al-Laham stressed that there is no real and honest regional or international will to fight terrorism up till now, saying that regrettably there is only a media approach in fighting terrorism, despite all counterterrorism resolutions unanimously passed by the UN Security Council under chapter VII.

“We will fight terrorism in Syria with all our strength based on our resistant people, our heroic army and wise leadership and our friends, on top, the brotherly country of Iran,” al-Laham added.

He indicated that the honorable stances of Iran, Moscow and the BRICS countries in support of Syria have played an effective role in helping the Syrian people to counter terrorism and to face the shameful economic sanctions imposed on them by Arab and Western countries.

“we usually make an assessment of the situations in the region and of what Syria is facing of an unjust terrorist war,” al-Laham said, pointing out that his visit to Tehran aims at achieving more consultation and coordination with regard to the relations between the two countries, and to what the region, particularly Syria and Iraq, is facing of Takfiri terrorism which is backed by colonial and Arab and neighboring countries which are known to all.

Al-Laham thanked the Iranian leadership, government and people for the support to the Syrian people in the face of terrorism for more than four years, reiterating that the Syrian-Iranian relations will remain a factor of stability in the region and a fort for defending the region’s nations in the face of the terrorism expansion.

For his part, Larijani stressed that the Syrian people have been able through their resistance to foil the conspiracy hatched against them and that they are able to achieve victory, indicating that Syria is one of the pioneer countries with regard to fighting terrorism and Zionism.

He indicated that  major countries and powers over the past four years have tried to create internal problems inside Syria and recently they escalated their support to the terrorist organizations, affirming that Iran have always been supporting the countries which are facing terrorism and it will not, at all , forget the support provided to Tehran by the Syrian Government and people over the period of the “Sacred Defense.”

We consider that fighting terrorism whether in Syria or in Iraq is useful in drawing the future of humanity and that the problem of terrorism today is not related to a certain country, but it targets the whole world, Larijani said.

Al-Laham, Velayati discuss Syrian, Iranian strategic relations

In a relevant context, Al-Laham discussed with Ali Akbar Velayati, Advisor to Iran’s Supreme Leader, the strategic relations between Syria and Iran and the latest developments in the region in light of the Takfiri terrorism, backed by Israel, the west and some regional countries.


During the meeting, al-Laham underlined that the Syrian-Iranian relations were and still are a factor of stability in the region and a guarantee for their people in fortifying their rights against the western greed and plots of diving “our states into entities.”

He affirmed that combating terrorism and extremism is a collective responsibility which should brings altogether countries, peoples, governments and local and international legislative institutions.

“Syria, under the leadership of President Bashar al-Assad, is determined to confront terrorism, and victory is our ally because we have the right,” al-Laham said, thanking Iran, as leadership and people, for its support to Syria against Takfiri terrorism.

For his part, Velayati affirmed that Syria is in the first trench against the Israeli entity as Syria confronts the Israeli tools and the Takfiri terrorist project which aims at striking the resistance axis in the region.

He pointed out to the struggle of the Syrian people against terrorism, extremism and the economic embargo, affirming that the Iranian people and their leadership are continuing support to Syria and to the axis of resistance, expressing confidence that Syria will come out victorious from this universal war.

“Such situation is unprecedented in the contemporary history as terrorist acts have extended from Syria into Iraq and Yemen and other countries,” Velayati said.

He affirmed that Syria, through the wisdom and courage of its leadership and the struggle of its people as well as the sacrifices of the army, will defeat terrorism and the Takfiri project in the region, adding “Syria will be the graveyard of terrorists.”

Later, al-Laham discussed with Head of the Syrian-Iranian Economic relations’ development Rostam Qasemi means of boosting economic and trade ties between the two countries and removing any obstacles that might face them.

R.J/ Barry/ Mazen

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