Cabinet calls for giving priorities to citizens’ basic needs

Damascus, SANA-Prime Minister, Hussein Arnous called on the government team to exert utmost efforts in dealing with the basic needs of citizens and continuously following-up them, exceeding routine work and creating initiatives and finding solutions to any emergency case.

In its weekly session held on Tuesday, the Cabinet urged for enhancing cooperation and coordination with relevant sides to control markets, monitor prices, prevent any defects, and punishing any manipulator in accordance with the laws and regulations that came into effect in parallel with establishing tracking mechanisms for projects listed in the government statement.

Arnous pointed out to the need for taking additional measures to boost the role of civil societies in supporting government efforts to achieve social development, enhance the work of cultural centers, and hold dialogue seminars to shed light on the decisions taken and to make use of proposals in their development .

Manar/Bushra/ Mazen

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