Bronze medal and appreciation certificate for Syria in the first Cyberspace Mathematical Competition (CMC)

Damascus, SANA- Syrian Science Olympiad Team won a bronze medal and an appreciation certificate at the first Cyberspace Mathematical Competition (CMC) organized virtually on July 13th and 14th by the American Mathematical Society (AMS).

In a statement, Distinction and Creativity Agency said that a bronze medal was won by student al-Hussein Hayyan Khalil of the 11th grade from Fahim Muhammed secondary school in Tartous Province, while a certificate of appreciation was gained by student Alaa al-Din Ahmad of the 11th grade from the Secondary School for Outstanding Students in Aleppo province.

The Syrian team participating in the competition has included 8 members from Aleppo, Damascus and Tartous, with taking all the required technical procedures by the competition’s organizing committee which included documenting the live video of the students when they were applying the online tests from their cities.

The competition consisted of two 5 hour-long rounds, during which the students solved high level problems similar to the problems of the International Olympiad competitions.

Baraa Ali/Mazen Eyon

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