UNSC: Terrorist ISIS threatens not only Syria and Iraq but also regional peace and security

UN, SANA – The UN Security Council stressed that the so-called “Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS)” terrorist group threatens the stability of not only Syria and Iraq, but also the peace, security and stability of the whole.
In a statement issued unanimously on Wednesday, the Council, condemned the latest crimes committed by this terrorist group against the minorities in Iraq as “it could constitute a crime against humanity”, particularly after taking control over Sinjar city to the north of Iraq.
The UN Security Council’s members expressed deep concern over hundreds of thousands of Iraqis, among them a big number of minorities’ members, like Yazidis who were displaced due to the attacks of ISIS.
They also condemned the systematic persecution against the minorities, among whom the Christians, calling on all the Iraqi denominations to unify their ranks in confronting terrorism.
It is worth mentioning that Arab, regional and Western countries have been arming and financing the terrorist groups in Syria and Iraq and facilitating their entrance into the two countries.
The council reiterated support to the Iraqi government in its efforts in confronting the terrorist threat, urging all political groups in Iraq to work for enhancing national unity.
H. Zain/ R. Milhem



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