July 14, Establishment of OPEC

1901- Theodore Roosevelt assumes the presidency of the USA, succeeding President
William McKinley, who died of his wounds after being subjected to an assassination attempt in September 6th,.
1917- Declaration of republican system in Russia.
1959- Soviet spaceship Luna 2 lands on the moon surface, becoming the first man-made object on a planet.
1960- Establishment of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC).
1849- Ivan Pavlov, Russian physiologist and Noble Laureate was born.
1901- William McKinley, the twenty-fifth U.S. President, assassinated.
R. Milhem/ Ghossoun


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هاشم: تمامی حملات اشغالگران (اسرائیل) به لبنان با شکست آن خاتمه یافت و تجاوز کنونی با پیشینیان خود تفاوتی نخواهد داشت