Parliament speaker welcomes Iranian key role in rebuilding Syria

Damascus, SANA – Speaker of the People’s Assembly Mohammad Jihad al-Laham hailed the strategic Syrian-Iranian ties as key for preserving regional security and stability and defending the interests of the region’s people.

Al-Laham’s comments came during his meeting Thursday with head of the Iranian-Syrian Economic Relations Development Committee Rostam Qasemi, who is currently in Syria for cooperation talks.

He applauded Iran’s pro-Syria stances against the terrorist war waged on it, which is being led by Arab and Western countries.

The speaker welcomed an Iranian “key role” in the reconstruction process in Syria and in investment. “Syria has promising, gigantic projects, particularly in oil and gas,” he added.

Al-Laham, who called for maintaining the credit line between the two countries for propping up the Syrian economy and providing essential goods for citizens, stressed the seriousness of the Syrian government in proposing a partnership law with the private sector.

“[The law] promises important vistas for gigantic investments, particularly with Iran,” he said.

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Qasemi, for his part, pointed to Iran’s “rich experience in reconstruction” which he vowed to be put at the Syrian government’s disposal, indicating that once a higher reconstruction committee is set up, mutual discussions will ensue over a possible reconstruction fund in Syria that would seek to revitalize the Syrian economy.

He also hoped that laws will be enacted that help attract investments during the current stage.

Qasemi lauded Syria’s steadfastness against “international hegemonic powers” and attributed this steadfastness to the cohesion between the army, people, and leadership, describing it as “unequalled in history.”

Manal Ismael / Hazem Sabbagh

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