Estimated grape production is 204,000 tons, with Syria ranked second among Arab countries

Damascus, SANA – Ministry of Agriculture has estimated Syria’s production of grapes for the current season at 204,000 tons.

Director of Plant Production Department, Abdul-Mu’een al-Qadamani, indicated that the production of grapes in the provinces is as follows: 66,000 tons in Homs, 37,000 in Aleppo, 31,000 in Sweida, 25,000 in Damascus Countryside and19,000 in Daraa.

Grapes are also produced in Quneitra, Idleb, Tartous and Lattakia provinces.

Al-Qadamani noted that grape trees spread over 46.7 thousand hectares across Syria, covering 5% of the total area planted with fruitful trees in the country.

Syria ranks second among the Arab countries in producing fresh grapes, while it comes first in raisin production.

On the international level, however, Syria comes in the 28th place in grape production and 9th in producing raisin.

More than 100 grape varieties are cultivated in Syria. 65 percent of the total production is consumed as fresh grapes, while 15 percent is used for making drinks and 20 percent for producing raisin and molasses.

The estimates for the current season mark a drop from last season when the production reached 350,000 tons, as grape cultivation in the country is currently facing a variety of difficulties.

Ruaa al-Jazaeri/ Haifa Said

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