Aid delivery resumes in Yarmouk Camp, Damascus

Damascus, SANA- Delivery and distribution of relief supplies has resumed in Yarmouk Camp, a neighborhood in southern Damascus that is home to Palestinian refugees and Syrian citizens, who are living under a siege imposed on them by terrorist groups since late 2012.

The distribution process is being carried out by the General Administration for Palestine Arab Refugees (GAPAR) and the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) with the full support, participation and facilitations of the Syrian government.

The GAPAR Director Ali Mustafa told SANA that a total of 45,360 of food packages have been distributed to the trapped residents in Yarmouk Camp since January, 2014.

The latest shipmet was delivered Saturday, which included 350 packages.

Mustafa noted that the medical center affiliated to the UNRWA continues to provide treatment and medicines to the patients at the distribution sites.

Ruaa al-Jazaeri/Haifa Said

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