Information Minister, al-Baath party hold Erdogan responsible for the massacres in Syria


Damascus, SANA-Information Minister Omran al-Zoubi affirmed on Monday that the crime in Aleppo today adds to the record of crimes perpetrated by terrorist organizations of the Islamic state in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), Jabhat al-Nusra and so-called “al-Fatah army” in many regions in north of Syria.

“What is happening in Syria of terrorism has relation to Erdogan, his party and government, Qatari and Saudi rules,Israel, France and the US, al-Zoubi told Syrian TV in a telephone call.

He added that targeting students of the holy Quran at al-Rahman mosque with rocket shells indicates the features of those terrorist killers and their hostility to the tolerant Islam.

“The aim of the massacres is to intimidate the people and target their struggle and adherence to the Homeland,” al-zoubi said, adding that if the purpose of terrorism and their supporters was to make us afraid and escape our homes, they were mistaken “as we will not leave this place.”

Al-Baath Party: terrorist attacks crime against humanity

Meanwhile, Regional leadership of al-Baath Arab Socialist Party affirmed that the terrorist attacks against Aleppo civilians is a crime against humanity, perpetrated by the terrorists against the citizens who have proved their struggle as part of the Syrian people.

“That crime, which claimed the lives of tens of elders, women and children, is not the responsibility of terrorists only,  but it is the responsibility of their supporters and financiers of Al Saud, Qatar, Jordan and Turkey and their Zionist masters, a statement by the party said.

For his part, Assistant Secretary of the Party’s Regional leadership Hilal al-Hilal said the coward, terrorist act which targeted Aleppo families today is “a dirty crime” being practiced against Syria.

“Agents of criminals, Zionists and Ottomans want to subjugate Aleppo, but it will be a thorn in the throats of all conspirators against the country,” al-Hilal said in a telephone call with the Syrian TV.   

 Aleppo Governor: Terrorists’ scheme in Aleppo will be foiled

Aleppo’s Governor Mohammad Marwan al-Olabi said that the terrorist shells and rockets that have been targeting the city will not make the locals flee their city, adding that the steadfastness of the people of Aleppo will eventually thwart the Zionsit, Saudi, U.S., Turkish and Qatari plot.

In a phone call with the Syrian TV, Governor al-Olabi highlighted that the terrorists are agents for Israel and Turkey and serve their interests, adding that the Syrians will confront them and defend their homeland at all costs.

The death toll from the terrorist rocket attacks on Aleppo city has risen to 23 martyrs while scores others were injured.

Mohammad Nassr/ Mazen Eyon




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