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Photo Reports

January, 2022

  • 22 January

    Baniyas Beach on Saturday

  • 21 January

    Events of the week in photos


  • 21 January

    Atmosphere of Aleppo on Friday

  • 20 January

    Lattakia on Thursday (20/1/2022)

  • 20 January

    Snow in Damascus and Sweida provinces on Thursday

    Damascuse  Sweida 

  • 19 January

    Restoration works of Historic Afqa spring ,Palmyra

  • 19 January

    Snow in Qanawat town, Sweida countryside

  • 19 January

    Snow in al-Dirbasyia city, north of Hasaka

  • 19 January

    Snow in al-Baath City, Quneitra province

  • 18 January

    Lattakia on Tuesday in 18-1-2022